Garnets Yttrium /Iron doped bismuth have long been regarded as one of the most powerful magneto-optical materials. They are key material for different devices ranging from magnetic memories to integrated optical isolators. We have developed a new method of preparation of these garnets to greatly... read more
Context: In order to fulfil the ambitious objectives of the European Union regarding energy efficiency of buildings, new and renovated buildings need to integrate innovative and performing envelopes. These components need to be properly characterised in order to reach the target(s)... read more
Host laboratory: SAINBIOSE, INSERM UMR1058
Partners: INRIA Grenoble, Centre, Technique du Cuir, Sporaltec Themes: Engineering, Health and Sports Scientific domain: Engineering sciences (DS 8) Contact person: Pr. Jérôme Molimard or Pr. Woo Suck Han ... read more
Objectives: Industrial designs built from periodic structure are often computationally expensive since the small geometry of the unit cell of the periodic structure drives the numerical mesh size. Since often the geometry of the unit cell is small compared to the governing wavelengths, the speed of... read more
Objectives: In this work we plan to investigate how acoustic meta-material design can be further improved by adding visco-elastic patches. The trade-off between an increase in stop band width and reduced peak performance should be understood in detail, be modeled and be experimentally validated. read more
For the periodic structures, the definitions of the effect of quasi-periodicity remain to be investigated in order to understand how this can be modeled. More important will be to analyze if and how the presence of imperfection or irregularity can have a significant impact on the... read more
EADS D&S and ECL already achieved basic tests of the vibroacoustic signature of parts of the ARIANE5 launcher. Precisely a representative part of the launcher was considered. The configuration which was analyzed is the SYLDA structure. The SYLDA is located inside the launcher... read more
************************************************************ PhD position &nbs... read more
Supervisors: Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (DR-CNRS, supervisor), Sandro Zampieri (co-supervisor).
Context: ERC-AdG Scale-FreeBack
Start: from Sept 2016 Duration: 36 months.
Employer: CNRS. Location: Grenoble, France
Applications: read more
Biomedical Science / Microwave design
Expected profile
Master student with sound bases in Physics or Electrical Engineering with clear interest in biomedical applications. Experience in electromagnetic simulation, microwave engineering, microwave measurement, wireless... read more
Supervisors: Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (DR-CNRS, supervisor), Paolo Frasca (co-supervisor).
The topic of this Ph.D. is related to computer science, and more precisely to image processing, pattern recognition, and information technologies.
The steganography / steganalysis can be explained as a game with three participants.... read more
Subject (see Spanish version at the end of the document)
Actually the amount of projects designed and developed around the world is immense, and one of the hardly reached longed for attributes is considered more but, when not covering the criteria with quality. This... read more