Nanoelectronics applications will face limits imposed by physics laws, material properties, circuits and systems characteristics, assembly and packaging conditions. In this context, packaging will play a major role by providing an effective... read more
Start Date: 01 September 2014, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 01 September 2014
Institution: City:Limoges Region:Limousin
Salary: Fund category:Not Defined Doct. School:Science and engineering for information, mathematics (S2I)
Studying spin-dependant tunnelling through non-magnetic or magnetic molecules is motivated by several theoretical works evidencing the interest of the so-called « molecular spintronics ». For instance, with respect to non-magnetic molecules, Rocha et al. have shown that... read more
Start Date: 01 October 2014, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 01 July 2014
Subject1: Subject2:
Institution: City:Toulouse Region:Midi-Pyrénées
Salary: Fund category:Not Defined Doct. School:Science of matter
The theory of optimal mass transportation is a very advanced field of mathematical research. It has its origins in applications in logistical and economic (for instance the so called ’’Brouette de Monge’’ [Monge] and the optimal... read more
Start Date: 01 September 2014, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 01 September 2014
Subject1: Subject2:
Institution: City:Limoges Region:Limousin
Salary: Fund category:Not Defined Doct. School:Science and engineering for information, mathematics (S2I)
A considerable attention is paid to III-V nanowires (GaAs, InAs, InP) due to their excellent transport properties (high carrier mobility). In this context, the aim of this project is to develop and characterize III-V graphene FETs. At first, High frequency... read more
Start Date: 01 September 2014, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 01 September 2014
Subject1: Subject2:
Institution: City:Limoges Region:Limousin
Salary: Fund category:Not Defined Doct. School:Science and engineering for information, mathematics (S2I)
An SoS can be perceived as a composition of systems in which its constituents, i.e. themselves systems, are separately discovered, selected, and composed... read more
Start Date: 01 September 2014, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 10 March 2014
Institution: City:VANNES Region:Bretagne
Salary: Fund category:Public Funding - University Doct. School:Health, information and communication and mathematics, material (sicma)
La perception des usages des utilisateurs au cours des sessions informatiques est un élément crucial dans l’évaluation des performances des systèmes basés sur une architecture client-serveur évoluée du type Cloud... read more
Start Date:ND, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 01 April 2014
Subject1: Subject2:
Institution: City:Mulhouse Region:Alsace
Salary: Fund category:CIFRE Doct. School:Mathematics, information and engineering sciences
The chaotic behavior of natural convection flows makes possible the use of instability to modify heat transfer. The key idea is to perturb the boundary layers by thermal perturbations in order to obtain resonant phenomena and thus amplify the effects of these... read more
Start Date: 01 October 2014, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 April 2014
Subject1: Subject2: Subject3:
Institution: City:Poitiers Region:Poitou-Charentes
Salary: Fund category:Public Funding - Region (State) Doct. School:Materials, mechanic, energetic and aeronautic science and engineering (SI-MMEA)
Abstract :
This work aims at developing a 3D model for radiative transfer accounting for the actual absorption spectrum of the fluid. This model will further be coupled to a turbulent CFD code. A part of the work will deal with the parallelization of the radiation... read more
Start Date: 01 October 2014, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 April 2014
Subject1: Subject2: Subject3:
Institution: City:Poitiers Region:Poitou-Charentes
Salary: Fund category:Public Funding - Region (State) Doct. School:Materials, mechanic, energetic and aeronautic science and engineering (SI-MMEA)
The hydrogen molecular ion H2+ is a quasi ideal quantum system allowing for direct optical determination of an important fundamental constant: the proton to electron mass ratio mp/me. Indeed, recent theoretical progress in relativistic, QED and hyperfine... read more
Start Date:ND, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 01 October 2014
Institution: City:Paris Region:Ile-de-France
Salary: Fund category:CNRS Doct. School:Paris region physics
Ions confined in radiofrequency (Paul) traps, highlighted by Dave Wineland’s 2012 Nobel Prize, constitute an almost ideal quantum system, in the sense that they can be maintained for long times in a well-controlled environment, virtually free from external perturbations. This makes them attractive... read more
Start Date: 01 September 2014, duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 July 2014
Institution: City:Paris Region:Ile-de-France
Salary: Fund category:CNRS Doct. School:Paris region physics