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Characterization of the physico-chemical properties of aerosols and their impact on atmospheric ice particles nucleation


The project will be conducted in the framework of Labex CaPPA and the MERMOSE project (DGAC).

For the Earth’s weather and climate system, clouds are of major importance. On the one hand they cool by reflecting... read more

Start Date: 01 October 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 June 2014

Subject1:Physical Chemistry Subject2:Physics (Other) Subject3:Atmospheric Physics 
Lab:Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules (PhLAM)
Institution:Lille 1 University City:Lille Region:Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Salary:15-20k€ annual gross Fund category:Public Funding - University 

Photo-transformation of particles of atmospheric interest and influence on their hygroscopic properties. A levitation technique coupled to the Raman microscope study


The project will be conducted in the framework of Labex CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere)

In the frame of global warming, confirmed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the role... read more

Start Date: 01 October 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 June 2014

Subject1:Physical Chemistry Subject2:Chemistry (other) Subject3:Atmospheric Physics 
Lab:Laboratoire de Spectrochimie Infrarouge et Raman (Lasir)
Institution:Lille 1 University City:Lille Region:Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Salary:15-20k€ annual gross Fund category:Public Funding - Region (State) 

Multiscale variability of meteorology and aerosols in coastal industrialized area


The project will be conducted in the framework of Labex CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere)


The amplitude and the inevitability of global climate change rise a number of scientific problems... read more

Start Date: 01 October 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 June 2014

Subject1:Atmospheric Physics Subject2:Environmental Science Subject3:Meteorology 
Lab:Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère (LPCA)
Institution:Lille1 University City:Lille Region:Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Salary:15-20k€ annual gross Fund category:Public Funding - Region (State) 

Developpement of a photonic albedometer for enhanced in situ aerosols characterization


The project will be conducted in the framework of Labex CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere)


Aerosols, emitted by anthropogenic and natural sources, strongly affect the radiative budget of... read more

Start Date: 01 October 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 June 2014

Subject1:Physical Chemistry Subject2:Metrology Subject3:Atmospheric Physics 
Lab:Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère (LPCA)
Institution:Lille 1 University City:Lille Region:Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Salary:15-20k€ annual gross Fund category:Public Funding - Region (State) 

Etude des situations multi-couches "aérosols" et des interactions "aérosols-nuages"


The project will be conducted in the framework of Labex CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere)

Le sujet porte sur l'étude des effets direct, semi-direct et potentiellement indirects des aérosols... read more

Start Date: 01 October 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 June 2014

Subject1:Atmospheric Physics Subject2:Physics (Other) Subject3:Environmental Science 
Lab:Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique (LOA)
Institution:Lille 1 University City:Lille Region:Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Salary:15-20k€ annual gross Fund category:Public Funding - University Doct. School:Matter, radiation and environmental sciences

Etude expérimentale de la formation des HAPs et des suies dans des flammes laminaires de carburants d'intérêt aéronautique et automobile


The project will be conducted in the framework of Labex CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere)


L’objet de ce travail de thèse est de fournir une base de données expérimentales... read more

Start Date: 01 October 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 June 2014

Subject1:Analytical Chemistry Subject2:Chemistry (other) Subject3:Optical Physics 
Lab:Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Processus de Combustion et de l'Atmosphère (PC2A)
Institution:Lille 1 University City:Lille Region:Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Salary:15-20k€ annual gross Fund category:Not Defined 

Nucléation multi-précurseurs des suies : impact du carburant


The project will be conducted in the framework of Labex CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere)

La nucléation des suies - nanoparticules carbonées nocives pour la santé et l'environnement... read more

Start Date: 01 October 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 June 2014

Subject1:Analytical Chemistry Subject2:Physical Chemistry Subject3:Chemistry (other) 
Lab:IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison (92), France
Institution:Lille 1 University City:Lille Region:Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Salary:15-20k€ annual gross Fund category:Not Defined 

Hydrodynamic instabilities at interfaces and their characterizations using a non-linear ultrasonic method


Aim of the Thesis:

The scientific aim is the study of complex flows at interfaces with benefit of a new branch of nonlinear ultrasonic method as a tool for the characterization of such flows. Scientific and technologic issues are very important: (i) Understanding of complex flows at interfaces... read more

Start Date: 01 September 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 27 March 2014

Subject1:Mechanical Engineering Subject2:Physics (Other) Subject3:Mathematics (applied) 
Lab:Institute of Mechanics and Engineering
Institution:University of Bordeaux City:Bordeaux Region:Aquitaine
Salary:30-35k€ annual gross Fund category:Public Funding - Region (State) Doct. School:Engineering sciences

PhD project : Transition metal clusters containing hybrid light emitting diodes (HLED)


Background and objectives :

The CSM team develops since few years organic-inorganic hybrid materials (polymer or liquid crystals) containing inorganic dyes called transition metal clusters. These inorganic molecular compounds emit strongly in the red-NIR area and are... read more

Start Date: 01 October 2014duration: 36 months, deadline to apply: 15 July 2014

Subject1:Materials Science Subject2:Optical Physics Subject3:Chemistry (other) 
Lab:ISCR Rennes / IETR Rennes / FOTON UMR CNRS 6082
Institution:INSA de RENNES City:Rennes Cedex 7 Region:Bretagne
Salary:15-20k€ annual gross Fund category:Public Funding - Region (State) Doct. School:Science of matter

Postdoctoral position ESR and FTICR mass spectrometry


Recherche prénormative en métrologie et toxicologie des aérosols complexes

Le Plateau P4TA recrute un chercheur postdoctorant pour une durée de 18 mois

Sa double mission sera

- de développer et d’animer... read more

Start Date: 01 April 2014duration: 18 months, deadline to apply: 10 March 2014

Subject1:Analytical Chemistry Subject2:Chemical Toxicology Subject3:Ecotoxicology and Pollution 
Institution:EA4651-ABTE Fac Medecine Pharmacie City:ROUEN Region:Haute-Normandie
Salary:35-40k€ annual gross Fund category:Public Funding - University Doct. School:Life sciences, health, agronomy, environment

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