The GREYC electronics group develops innovative micro-sensors based on functional oxides. Among oxides, we are particularly interested in the La0,7Sr0,3MnO3 composition (LSMO) having a high variation in electrical resistance depending on the temperature in the vicinity of room temperature, which is advantageous for achieving uncooled thermal radiation sensors such as bolometers.
Potentialities of thin LSMO suspended for the uncooled bolometric detection in the visible / near infrared has been demonstrated in recent years. The performance measured at 3 µm at room temperature are at the state of the art. It is therefore interesting to continue the optimization of suspended bolometers based thin LSMO for detection in the near / mid-infrared region. A second objective for this thesis is to investigate the coupling of radiation to bolometers without degrading the uncooled detectors performance. Indeed, our LSMO bolometers coupled with integrated planar antennas should particularly be suited to fit the detection requirements in the THz range and far infrared where there is no uncooled detectors showing such high performance.
In addition, exploratory studies (fabrication of LSMO based heterostructure (P-I-N structures), characterisation of new oxides to use metal-to-isolant transition or photoelectric effect, etc.) will be also considered.
Issues to be addressed during the thesis will be:
a) Evaluation of potential performance, design and manufacture of components in clean room
facilities (structuring of thin films coupled wideband planar microwave antennas)
b) Electrical and optical characterization, modelling of physical phenomena occurring in the devices. Measurements in the THz frequency range will increase the knowledge on the optical properties of ultrathin films LSMO in far infrared wavelength.
c) A THz detector system will be designed and implemented through collaborations
Requested skills:
Master diploma or equivalent diploma
For this strong multidisciplanary subject, profiles based on/or merging competencies of electronics,
sensors, physics, material physics and / or micro-technology cleanroom will be considered with a great attention. The proposed thesis is for curious, inventive, dynamic appliquants having a strong
scientific background and a sense of collaborative works. Experience of research and experimentation will be appreciated extra points.
3 years duration doctoral contract, The PhD thesis beginning is expected in October 2016.
Please send your application documents including a detailed CV and a motivation letter dedicated to the proposed position before May 1st, 2016. You may add additional documents such as the marks and ranks you obtained during your master degree or engineering school.
B. Guillet (Associate professor University Caen, HDR),
GREYC (UMR 6072)
6 boulevard Maréchal Juin
14050 CAEN cedex (FRANCE)