The project aims is to propose a non-local model the behavior of a metallic material with a numericalpart The analysis will be about behavior, and the lifetime of the foundry materials used in land and aeronautical transport sector. The manufacturing method of this type of material generates defects several sizes and complex geometries (eg, retassure). Such an morphology induced the presence ofgradients properties in the the material and of non-local effects having in particular marked a major role in the mechanisms of damage. A variational modeling will be performed from microstructural information obtained by image analysis. It will be performed in the elastic part to be able to focus solely on the influence of microstructure on the behavior and in a non-linear case. Modeling main objective a better description the real behavior of metallic materials according to the morphology and distribution of defects.The construction of a virtual numerical material, "morphologically equivalent" to the real material studied. The statistical data necessary for that purpose will be provided thanks a morphological characterization of the real material from morphological analysis of suitable tools. This morphological analysis will also choose a Representative Elementary Volume (REV). A non-local modeling will be proposed to better understand and / or reproduce the effects of microstructure gradients (i.e the random distribution of defects, the existence of clusters, etc .... ) on the strength of the material or behavior . We will seek in this part to construct a gradient model (enriched) by transition of scale. In contrast to many studies in the literature introducing the non-locality in phase behavior level, the approach will be here to introduce the non-locality through the scaling process (variational approach from microstructural information obtained in the previous section.