ED0 - Other
ED6 - Private law
ED7 - Internal public law, administrative science, political science and information and communication
ED8 - History of law, philosophy of law, sociology of law and judicial law
ED9 - International law, european law, international relations and comparative law
ED19 - French and comparative literature
ED20 - Civilisations, cultures, literatures and societies
ED22 - Ancient and medieval worlds
ED31 - Practices and theories of meaning
ED34 - Lyon Doctoral program in materials
ED37 - Physical sciences for the engineer and microtechnics
ED38 - Language, space, time, societies
ED39 - Doctoral program in Mathematics and Informatics
ED40 - Chemical sciences
ED41 - Law
ED42 - Business, Economy, Society
ED47 - Grenoble Doctoral program in Physics
ED50 - Languages, literatures and human sciences
ED52 - Lyon physics and astrophysics (PHAST)
ED58 - Languages, literatures, cultures, civilisations
ED60 - Territories, time, societies and development
ED62 - Life and health sciences
ED65 - Life Sciences, Health, Agronomy, Environment
ED67 - Legal and political sciences
ED70 - Engineering Sciences
ED71 - Engineering sciences
ED72 - Engineering science
ED73 - Economic, social, planning and management sciences (SESAM)
ED74 - Legal, political and management sciences (SJPG)
ED77 - Informatics - Automatics - Electronics - Electrotechnics - Mathematics in Lorraine (IAEM-Lorraine)
ED78 - Stanislas
ED79 - Legal, political, economic and management sciences
ED84 - Science and technology of information and communication
ED85 - Life and health sciences
ED86 - Letters, humanities and social sciences
ED88 - Legal Sciences Pierre Couvrat
ED92 - Life - Agri - Health
ED98 - Law-Normandie Doctoral Department (EDDN)
ED101 - Doctoral program in law, political science and history
ED104 - Matter, radiation and environmental sciences
ED105 - Earth-universe-environment
ED112 - Archaeology
ED113 - Doctoral program in History of Panthéon-Sorbonne university (Paris 1)
ED119 - Political science
ED120 - French and comparative literature
ED122 - Latin Europe - Latin America
ED124 - History of art and archaeology
ED127 - Ile-de-france astronomy and astrophysics
ED129 - Ile-de-France sciences of the environment
ED130 - Informatics, telecommunications and electronics
ED131 - Language, literature, image, civilisations and humanities (francophone and anglophone domains)
ED132 - Doctoral program in language science
ED138 - Letters, languages, performing arts
ED139 - Knowledge, languages, modelling
ED141 - Law and Political Science
ED142 - Mathematics in Paris-Sud region
ED145 - Plant sciences: from gene to ecosystem
ED146 - Sciences, technology, health "galileo"
ED151 - Biology - health - biotechnologies
ED154 - Health and life sciences
ED156 - Marine Sciences
ED158 - Brain - cognition - behaviour
ED159 - Aesthetics, science and technology of art
ED160 - Electronics, electrotechnics, automatics (eea)
ED162 - Mega of lyon (mechanics, energetics, civil engineering, acoustics)
ED166 - Information, structure and systems (i2s)
ED168 - Chemical and biological health sciences (CBS2)
ED171 - Toulouse School of Economics
ED173 - Sciences of the universe, environment and space
ED178 - Basic Sciences
ED180 - Cultures, individuals, societies
ED181 - Simem (structure, informations, matter and materials)
ED182 - Physics and physical chemistry
ED184 - Marseille mathematics and informatics
ED188 - Modern and contemporary history
ED205 - Interdisciplinary Doctoral program in health-sciences (EDISS)
ED206 - Doctoral program in chemistry (chemistry, processes, environment)
ED209 - Doctoral program in physical and engineering sciences
ED211 - Exact sciences and their applications
ED216 - Health, cognition and environmental engineering
ED217 - Mathematics, science and technology of information, informatics
ED218 - Chemistry and life sciences
ED220 - Electronics, Electrotechnics, Automatics, Signal treatment
ED221 - Augustin Cournot - Economics and Management Sciences - Science, Technology and Society
ED222 - Chemical sciences
ED224 - Cognition, language, interaction
ED227 - Natural and human sciences
ED231 - Doctoral program in economy and management
ED234 - Doctoral program of Sciences Po
ED240 - Sciences of human and society
ED242 - Normandie economy-management
ED245 - Economics, Law, Political Science and Management
ED250 - Chemical sciences
ED251 - Environmental sciences
ED254 - Science of matter
ED260 - Doctoral program of the university of the Antilles and Guyana
ED261 - Cognition, Behaviours, Human behaviours
ED262 - Law, Management, International relations
ED263 - Legal, economic and management sciences
ED265 - Languages, literatures and eastern societies
ED266 - Biology, Health and Environment (BIOSE)
ED267 - Performing arts, information and communication sciences
ED268 - Language and languages : description, theorising, transmission
ED269 - Mathematics, information and engineering sciences
ED270 - Doctoral Department of Theology and Religious Studies
ED273 - Biology and biotechnology (B2T)
ED275 - Doctoral program in Management science
ED279 - Fine arts, aesthetics and art sciences
ED280 - Philosophy
ED284 - Law and humanities
ED285 - Practical sciences
ED286 - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Social sciences)
ED287 - Engineering sciences
ED288 - Waves and matter
ED300 - Doctoral Program in Economic sciences
ED304 - Environmental sciences
ED305 - Energy and environment
ED306 - Process science - food science
ED309 - Systems
ED323 - Electric engineering, electronics and telecommunications (GEET)
ED326 - Behaviour, language, education, socialisation, cognition (CLESCO)
ED327 - Time, spaces, societies, cultures
ED328 - Arts, Letters, Languages, Philosophy and Communication (ALLPH@)
ED340 - Molecular, integrative and cellular biology (BMIC)
ED341 - Evolution, ecosystems, microbiology, modelling (E2M2)
ED351 - Physical, mathematical and information sciences for engineers
ED352 - Physics and science of matter
ED353 - Physics, modelling and engineering science
ED354 - Languages, letters, arts
ED355 - Spaces, cultures societies
ED356 - Cognition, language, education
ED359 - Mathematics, informatics, signal, electronics and telecommunications
ED361 - Science and Technology
ED364 - Fundamental and applied sciences
ED370 - Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
ED372 - Economics and Management of Aix-Marseille
ED373 - Health, Information and Communication and Mathematics, Material (SICMA)
ED377 - Environment and society
ED378 - Sciences of human and society
ED382 - Economy, spaces, societies, civilisations : critical analysis, political and social practice
ED386 - Paris-Centre Mathematical sciences
ED388 - Paris-centre physical chemistry and analytical chemistry
ED391 - Paris mechanical sciences, acoustics and electronics
ED393 - Public health: epidemiology and biomedical information sciences
ED394 - Physiology and physiopathology
ED395 - Environment, cultures and societies of past and present
ED396 - Economy, organisations, society
ED397 - Materials physics and chemistry
ED398 - Geosciences and natural resources
ED400 - Scientific knowledge: epistemology, history of sciences, discipline didactics
ED401 - Social sciences
ED402 - Life and health sciences
ED405 - Paris-Ouest Cergy economics, management and mathematics - EM2C
ED406 - Paris-centre Molecular chemistry
ED409 - Mechanics Energy Materials (EMMA)
ED410 - Science and Engineering Resources Processes Products Environment (RP2E)
ED411 - Fernand Braudel
ED412 - Chemistry and Molecular Physics Doctoral Department of Lorraine: Synthesis, Experiences, Simulations, Applications, from Molecules to Supramolecular Structures (SESAMES)
ED413 - Earth, universe and environmental sciences
ED414 - Life and health sciences
ED417 - Sciences and Engineering
ED418 - Cancerology: biology - medecine - health
ED419 - Signalling, neurosciences, endocrinology, reproduction
ED420 - Public health Paris 11 - Paris 5
ED422 - Sciences and technology of information, telecommunications and systems
ED423 - From genomes to organisms
ED425 - Therapeutic innovation: from fundamentals to applications
ED426 - Genes, genomes, cells
ED427 - Informatics Paris-Sud
ED432 - Doctoral program in sciences of engineering
ED433 - Concepts and languages
ED434 - Geography of Paris - spaces, societies, planning
ED435 - Agriculture, food, biology, environment and health
ED441 - History of art
ED446 - Biology - Health
ED447 - Doctoral program of the Ecole Polytechnique
ED450 - Research in psychoanalysis
ED454 - Human, political and territorial sciences
ED455 - Economic and management sciences
ED456 - Science of sports, motricity and human movement
ED458 - Ecological, veterinary, agronomical sciences and bioengineering
ED459 - Balard Chemical Sciences
ED460 - Doctoral Program in Legal sciences
ED461 - Law and Social sciences - Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon
ED463 - Human movment sciences
ED465 - Panthéon-Sorbonne Doctoral program in Economy
ED467 - Aeronautics - astronautics
ED468 - Mechanics, energetics, civil engineering, processes (MEGEP)
ED469 - Multidisciplinary digital doctoral program, overseas insular environments
ED470 - Chemistry of Paris-Sud
ED472 - Doctoral program of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
ED473 - Sciences of human and society (SHS)
ED474 - Frontiers in Life Science Doctoral Department (FDV)
ED475 - Toulouse Mathematics, Informatics, Telecommunications (MITT)
ED476 - Neurosciences and cognition (NSCO)
ED477 - Integrated systems in Biology, Agronomy, Geosciences, Hydrosciences, Environment (SIBAGHE)
ED478 - Doctoral program in management science
ED479 - Doctoral program in legal and political science
ED480 - Montaigne-Humanities
ED481 - Social and human sciences
ED482 - Science of matter
ED483 - History, geography, planning, urbanism, archaeology, political science, sociology, anthropology
ED484 - Letters, languages, linguistics, arts
ED485 - Education, information and communication sciences psychology
ED486 - Economic and management sciences
ED487 - Doctoral program in Philosophy
ED488 - Sciences, engineering, health
ED489 - Sciences and Engineering of Systems, Environment and Organisations (SISEO)
ED491 - Languages, ideas, societies, institutions, territories (LISIT)
ED492 - Doctoral Program in Law
ED493 - Human and social sciences - Erasme
ED495 - Plant-environment-nutrition-agri-food-sea (VENAM)
ED496 - Societies, cultures, exchanges (SCE)
ED497 - Integrative biology, health, environment of Normandy
ED498 - Engineering sciences, geosciences, architecture (SPIGA)
ED500 - Matter, molecules, materials in the Loire contries - 3MPL
ED501 - Law, economics-management, societies, territories
ED502 - Biology-health
ED503 - Science and technology of information and mathematics (STIM)
ED504 - Cognition, education, interactions (CEI)
ED505 - Science of human, of the organisations and of society (SHOS)
ED506 - Doctoral program in arts, letters and languages
ED507 - Doctoral program in human and social sciences
ED508 - Doctoral program in chemistry of Normandy
ED509 - Doctoral program in human and social sciences ë comparative and euromediterranean societies and civilisations û
ED510 - IMEP2: Engineering - Materials - Environment - Energetics - Procedures - Production
ED511 - Sciences and engineering
ED512 - Lyon Doctoral program in informatics and mathematics
ED513 - Law and political, economic and management sciences (DESPEG)
ED514 - Doctoral program in anglophone, germanophone and european studies
ED515 - Genomics, cell, development, microbiology,
ED519 - Humanities and Social Sciences : European Perspectives
ED520 - Humanities Doctoral Department
ED521 - Science and Engineering for Information, Mathematics (S2I)
ED522 - Materials, mechanic, energetic and aeronautic science and engineering (SI-MMEA)
ED523 - Sciences of the environment - Gay lussac
ED524 - Biology - Health
ED525 - Letters, Thought, Arts and History (LPAH): civilization and literature from antiquity to the present day
ED526 - Societies and organisations
ED527 - Cognition, Behavior, Language(s) (CCL)
ED528 - City, transportation and territories (VTT)
ED529 - Cultures and societies (CS)
ED530 - Organisations, markets, institutions (OMI)
ED531 - Sciences, engineering and environment (SIE)
ED532 - Mathematics and information and communication science & technology (MSTIC)
ED534 - Modelling and instrumentation in physics, energy, geosciences and environment (MIPEGE)
ED535 - Social sciences (SDS)
ED536 - Sciences and agro sciences
ED537 - Culture and patrimony
ED538 - Culture, regulation, institutions and territory (CRIT)
ED539 - Versailles sciences and technology
ED540 - Letters/sciences transdisciplinary program
ED541 - Humanities and Social Sciences - Réunion
ED542 - Science - Réunion
ED543 - Dauphine Doctoral program
ED544 - Inter-Méd: Development/Spatial, Transborder and Intercultural Dynamics
ED545 - Societies, politics and public health
ED546 - Abbé Grégoire Doctoral program
ED547 - Science, Technology and Health
ED548 - Marine Sciences
ED549 - Health, biological sciences, and life chemistry
ED551 - Mathematics, informatics, theoretical physics and systems engineering
ED552 - Energy - materials - earth and universe sciences
ED553 - Carnot-Pasteur
ED554 - Health and Environments
ED555 - Social Sciences
ED556 - Man, Companies, Risk, Territory
ED558 - History, Memory, Heritage, Language
ED559 - Panthéon-Sorbonne Doctoral Department of Management
ED560 - Earth and Environmental Sciences and Astrophysics
ED562 - Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité (BIOSPC)
ED563 - Medication, Toxicology, Chemistry, Imaging
ED564 - Physics of Ile-de-France
ED565 - Sorbonne Doctoral Department of Law